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YouTube SEO: How to optimize YouTube videos

Everyone is familiar with YouTube. YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world after Google. People are talking more about YouTubers like Zoella, SteveKardynal, and PewDiePie. They provide information to Internet users about movies, video games, politics, and many other topics. All of them have one thing in commun: They reach millions of YouTube users.

YouTube is a great tool for reaching your target audience. It’s about reaching as many people as possible.

It is difficult to stand out from other YouTube channels. This channel publishes approximately 400 hours of video content every minute. There is another way to drive traffic to your videos. SEO optimization can help you get a higher ranking on YouTube.

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is a type of digital marketing where we use a video to communicate our ideas, products, or services… This format is much more appealing than other formats such as infographics postcasts and written articles.

Audiovisual content makes up 78% of all content online. This is something your brand should not ignore. Videos are easy to share and fun. It is also an inexpensive way to increase conversions, encourage engagement, and it is easy to share.

In fact, 9/10 internet users watch videos from companies. 65% of users visit a brand’s site after watching a movie. It is expected that online video will make up 84% of all Internet traffic by 2019.

If you don’t have video included in your marketing strategy, you should. And if your videos are already created, you should make the most of them. YouTube SEO is the answer.

YouTube categorizes videos in what way?

YouTube considers the same variables that Google does in its algorithm to determine which videos will appear in search results.

It is important to assess the relevance of the content (in this case, the video) for the person searching for it.

These are the most important:

  • Playback time is the length of time a user watches a video.
  • Keywords: They provide relevancy to the content.
  • Subscribers: A channel with thousands or hundreds of subscribers will perform better that one with only 15 subscribers. This behavioral signal indicates that the channel’s relevance and quality are high.
  • Interactions: We like and we don’t love comments. These signals help YouTube, Google, and other search engines determine if a particular video is worthy of more visibility.
  • YouTube videos should not be long. To get the most out of YouTube content, users should be interested and able to view it. It is best to limit the viewing time to 10-15 minutes.

What is SEO optimization for YouTube?

SEO stands for search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization). It is a term that refers to a way to improve your position in search engines. Certain keywords, also known as “keywords”, are used to optimize web pages for Google or other search engines. Similar SEO optimization works for YouTube videos. The goal of SEO optimization is not to improve the position of a website. This article will show you how to increase the reach of your channel.

Video SEO is an essential part of any online marketing strategy. This is because videos are more prominent in search results and often rank higher than the other results. You can make your video work by creating unique content. However, you don’t have to do much to increase your SEO.

You will need to perform these tasks to improve the ranking of your videos on YouTube

Video is the most popular format, and it generates the most trust. It is interesting to note that the film helped us escape from the Great Depression from both a psychological and economic perspective. Video has been more popular, more efficient, and better produced since then. People love video platforms like YouTube, but also adult ones like It was also made possible by the internet, which allowed anyone to access it in seconds.

Videos have become a valuable tool for commercial purposes due to their huge growth and relevance through search engines and social media. But how do you make it happen? Next, we will show you how to make YouTube a part of your video marketing strategy.

Step 1: Defining keywords

It is important that you think about the terms that you wish to be found. Write keywords that describe your videos. Avoid using too many specialized terms. Many Internet users use familiar terms for their searches. For each video, try to find at least two or three terms. You can also create phrases using two to three words. These words will become the keywords that are used to optimize your videos.

Tip: Use these useful tools to locate the most relevant keywords. and SEM-Tools allow you to search YouTube for specific keyword combinations.

You can also add long tail keywords

It is difficult for marketers to compete to be the best in their industry using the most searched keywords, particularly YouTube and Google. Here’s the solution: Instead, use long-tail keywords.

Long tail keywords are longer phrases that include your main keyword. Long-tail keywords can be used to target specific search terms for potential customers. They also help improve your video’s rank under your main keyword.

Step 2: Keyword placement

After you have identified your keywords, it is time to add them to the video details. These are the essential elements.

Title of the video

It is important that at least one keyword appears in the title. The ideal place for the keyword to appear is at the beginning of your title. The title of your video should include the keyword. This will help you position it. However, as our video is likely to appear in a list or related results, it is important that we include persuasive elements even if the clicks are not. This balance must be maintained between optimization and persuasion to create a compelling title that is both attractive for SEO and user.

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Google Ads vs SEO Which tool is best for your Marketing strategy?

Online Marketing is a popular investment option for business people. They often have the same dilemma as those who are already considering making an investment: What tool will bring me more profit, Google Ads or SEO? This is a subjective answer that depends on many factors, including the company’s profile, market age, and the goals set forth in the marketing strategy.

It is important to emphasize that these are two powerful marketing tools with predictable, clear performance. Each tool is distinguished by its ability to predict the outcome of investments before they are made. We are drawn to SEO services and Google Ads campaigns because of the speed, cost and user bounce rates that make them stand out.

We will detail each strategy individually and compare them to show the benefits and drawbacks. We will also answer the question, “What do you do with traffic once it arrives on your site?”

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a collection of tools that will increase your business’ visibility in search engines. You can determine the most profitable and popular searches your customers use by conducting Keyword Research. Optimizing both the On Page and Off Page content of your brand will ensure that it is indexed higher in search engines. This can generate leads or sales.

Do you remember the gold mine, silver mine and diamond mines I mentioned in an earlier article? SEO optimization, as I said then, is the way to reach the top three websites for a keyword. These accounts for approximately 64%* the total traffic. While optimization is a long-term endeavor, once you have reached a top position, your ROI will be measurable.

Google assigns scores between 0 and 100 to index sites. The better the grade, the higher the display position. These basic principles are the basis of this score:

  • The age of the domain / web page;
  • The number of backlinks and links that are brought in from Off Page SEO.
  • The user’s search terms;
  • The keywords within the site (text and URL, titles and meta descriptions, etc. );
    site loading speed;
  • The platform should be mobile-friendly and user-friendly. It must also follow relevant web design trends.
  • website accessibility, etc.

These are only a few of the most crucial elements. Search engines are complex and well-regulated in their search process. The first result can provide a user with a great search experience.

What are Google Ads?

Google Adwords was rebranded as Google Ads in 2018, and is a popular paid advertising platform. It helps you reach potential customers in different ways.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Ads Search Campaigns – Displayed on the results page
Ads Display Campaigns – Graphic ads that are displayed on other websites/platforms
Remarketing campaigns – A combination of the two first, which allows you to retarget potential clients through remarketing campaigns

Other: YouTube Ads, Google Shopping and others

We will be focusing on the first function in order to compare SEO optimization. Google offers Pay Per Click campaigns, as we mentioned. This allows you to display what we call “clickable advertisements” in search engines. These ads are distributed according the keywords that a marketer has bid a certain amount. Google will prioritize the ads based on their value. The ad will occupy the first spot in the ad column.

Google Ads vs. SEO – Which one is best for you?

It is impossible to say which tool is more efficient than the other. Although opinions can be subjective, you should understand the differences between each tool and adjust your strategy to meet those goals. Although we can achieve maximum results if we balance the two, sometimes it is necessary to choose one.

Google Ads is more effective than SEO in generating traffic. Traffic starts to flow from the moment an organization becomes active. SEO is a long-term effort that takes about six months to see results. The traffic contribution to the site is higher than paid ads. Organic positions account for about 90% of traffic*.

Here’s an example of a client who has 36,000 keywords and is doing SEO. They receive 116,000 visitors per month. We would need to spend $60,000 per month on PPC campaigns if we wanted to get the same number of hits.

When targeting certain keywords in SEO, we must consider a complex algorithm when developing content. Google Ads allows us to target any keyword that we feel is appropriate. The deciding factor in this instance is the budget. Your keyword display position will rise the more you bid.

Google Ads will bring in paid traffic. This means that you’ll have to invest money for each person who visits your site, regardless if they make a purchase. SEO can bring in organic traffic but it doesn’t come at any cost to you. It is important to work with an agency to monitor the process and intervene when necessary. This will ensure that customers continue to come to you and your index position stays constant. Most SEO costs are paid monthly by the client to the agency. SEO costs more in the initial 6 months than it is for long-term investments. However, SEO’s ROI is higher over the medium and longer term.
Google Ads takes you to the first page, while SEO allows you to stay on secondary pages for a while. It is difficult to rank on the first page in countries like the USA due to the high competition and high SEO scores. Romania is a different story. With the right team and specialists, you can get to the top three positions on keywords that are not just specific but also strong keywords.

Google Ads has a higher bounce rate than organic traffic. The bounce rate is an indicator of how many people leave the first page after they have entered the site. It does not include any browsing or other actions. The bounce rate is not just determined by the source of traffic but also the quality of the content and loading speed. It can also be affected by the type of activity your business has, as well as the device from which it is accessed. In a future article, we will expand on this topic.

The site was re-launched after I drove traffic. What’s next?

Many business owners decide to invest in Google Ads campaigns and in SEO without having to work with an agency. Traffic will increase and the results will be obvious. They don’t think about how to turn that traffic into profits. The investment in these tools will not yield a significant ROI without an integrated Online Marketing strategy. Our main recommendation is to keep a long-term relationship with a promotion agency.

The image below shows how crucial it is to have a team of specialists constantly monitoring the process. Our client managed to achieve a remarkable increase in organic traffic in just three years. However, there were moments of decline. The downward trend would not have been possible without specialist supervision.

Remarketing is the best way to convert traffic into leads/sales. Although people may visit your site for the first time, you cannot be certain that they will return to it again. You can use retargeting to send personalized messages to convince people to use your service or buy from you.

Google Ads vs. SEO – The margin product and stage products

SEO can be considered the stage product of SEO, since organic is what Google is most well-known for but does not bring in any revenue. Google Ads is the margin product through which the company actually earns its income. What is the best way to ensure you have investments in paid advertising if organic traffic is the majority? From our perspective, there are two possible explanations:

Remarketing is necessary to convert organic traffic into sales. This can only be achieved by placing ads.
It is difficult for a brand new to organically reach page one in a highly developed online market like the USA or Western European countries. The sites there have very high SEO scores and are constantly investing in improving/maintaining their position. Google Ads is the only way to be found on the first page. This tool is used by many businesses to increase profits.

Romania is one of the countries where SEO has not been widely used. It is the perfect time to have your company indexed at a higher level. This will ensure that you only use paid ads for occasional campaigns. Traffic generation doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money.

What is the bottom line?

How about Google Ads vs SEO at the end? The best results can be achieved if you find the right balance between these two tools. Paid promotion can be used to help with optimization, but only in the most effective moments. The premium is temporary and has an immediate effect. However, the Google Ads campaign results are only good for as long as you invest. While the other effect is slower, it has high performance and can be seen for a long time if it is monitored.

Google Ads can be used to give you a huge sales boost. You should not overlook optimization investment, which will ensure a smooth development of your business. SEO can help you not only create a trusted brand that is visible and well-known, but also to stand out in times of crisis.

How can you use backlinks to help with SEO optimization?

If you’re already optimizing your website for SEO, or simply passionate about this field and want to learn more, the concept of “backlink” may be familiar.

We will be discussing at leisure what backlinks are, how to recognize a high-quality backlink, and most importantly, how to strengthen the website’s backlink base.

What is a Backlink?

Backlinks, also known as “external and inbound links”, are URL links that link from one website to another. Google and other search engines consider backlinks to be “votes of trust” for a page. Websites with a lot of backlinks rank higher in search engine results.

What is the importance of a backlink for SEO?

Google’s algorithm uses backlinks as a ranking factor. Not only is it important for the quantity, but also for the quality. Each backlink, as I have said, is nothing but an “external voto de confianza”, which is a guarantee that search engines will find relevant, valuable and powerful content on the page. The two domains will then be subject to a transfer of authority. A backlink is worth more if it has a higher authority than the page that referred to it.

Backlinks can also be a source of valuable traffic. This depends on the site that recommended your page and the relevancy of your page to your target audience.

There are many factors that affect the quality of a backlink.
What are the key features of a high-quality external link?

1. It is credible and authoritative.

Search engines are like journalists in that they carefully choose their sources. You would be more confident in information found on a page from a well-respected media trust than information shared by a friend on social networking sites. Google will also recognize more value in a link from a website that has a high DA or DR score.

2. Your domain is relevant to the page from which the backlink is being sent.

Google is interested in establishing a link between two websites.

If you publish a SEO article on dentistry, your backlink will be more valuable than if it comes from a general platform.

Don’t forget about relevance, authority and all that! You won’t get the best results if you have a page that has low authority but high relevance.

3. The anchor word of the link contains the keyword

The anchor word refers to the visible portion of the link, or better yet, the visible word/phrase within the text where we will place the URL hyperlink. It is important that the anchor contain the keyword of your site in order to increase the value of the backlink. This is usually found in the link. This type of anchor is known as Exact Match Anchor Text.

4. The link in the text is “Dofollow”.

There are two types of backlinks. One is very valuable for SEO purposes. Here it is:

Search engines will ignore links if there is a “Nofollow” tag. These backlinks don’t convey any value between sites.

Dofollow links, on the other hand, are external links everyone wants to be linked because they permit that authority transfer we mentioned earlier.

But be careful! As long as the links are credible and reliable, dofollow links can add value to your site. You may also find “toxic” backlinks that are obtained from sites not trusted or violate the search engine’s terms. These backlinks could lead to your website being de-indexed or penalized.

Remember that Google rankings are not based on the number of backlinks, but the quality.

5. This backlink is from a domain which has never recommended you before

It can be difficult to find new sources that will link to your pages. However, it is worth the effort. A Backlinko study found that there is a strong correlation between backlinks and page ranking in search engine results.

How can you obtain quality backlinks to your website?

We have already discussed the characteristics of a quality backlink. How can we make sure that quality backlinks are generated to our website?

These are five easy ways to build a solid backlink foundation.

1. You should create quality content that is relevant to your field. Include “shareable” content like blog articles, infographics and case studies. This information will spread quickly organically and generate backlinks from other relevant sources.

You can reach a Content Writing specialist if you need assistance!

2. Write content that is of interest to other blogs (Guest Post). Many specialized websites have such an editorial policy and offer a place for expression and promotion to different people who are experts in the field.

3. You can create valuable audio, video or photo materials in your field of expertise. You can easily share any relevant, quality content online, no matter what format it was created in.

4. Reach out to influencers. While domestic influencers tend to rely more on social media, blogs are still a valuable channel. Many brands want to be mentioned in their articles.

You can negotiate a set of articles with “Dofollow” links. They will generate significant traffic to your recommended pages in addition to their SEO contribution.

5. Incorporate links into your Social Media Marketing strategy. Remember that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as LinkedIn, are all websites. Any link in a post can be a valuable backlink to your website.

Search Engines: An Overview, How They Work and Why They Matter

What number of times have you used Google, one of the most popular search engines on the planet, in the past three days? As with any other revolutionary technology, the search engine’s life gradually integrates into our daily lives. It is no longer an active feature of our lives. The famous search engine has been made a verb in English and the dictionary since 2006, despite company protestations.

History searches

Did you know the first search engine in the world appeared in 1990, one year after the launch of the World Wide Web? In 1992, there were only 10 websites. However, the desire to understand these sites was felt and maybe anticipated. Archie was the first search engine. Instead of getting the search results pages that we know today, you would get a.txt document that you could download. It contained the most important piece of information: the URL for the site that was associated with your search.

To be there at the launch Yahoo!, the most well-known (yet), search engine, we skip a few years. This was in 1994 when there were 2,738 websites. Yahoo had already distinguished between information sites that could be added to the search engine free of charge and commercial sites which required an annual fee of several hundred dollars.

AltaVista is the most prominent search engine launched in 2000. In 1996, there were 257,601 websites. MSN was launched in 1999 (there were 3,177.453 sites then). What happened to these search engines? Yahoo bought AltaVista in 2003 and MSN was transformed into Bing in 2009. Bing is the second most used search engine, after Google.

Google’s search engine was first launched in 1998. It has been in use since then, with no interruptions, as the most popular and widely used search engine in the world. Globally, Google held 92.51% market share in 2020. In Romania, however, the market share for the search engine is even greater, reaching 97.93%!

What is the purpose of a search engine?

There are currently 1.8 billion websites on the Internet. Of these, 75% are not actively used. And of those that are active, not all take search engine optimization seriously. An optimized site will be more prominent among the hundreds of millions of other sites. The story doesn’t end when the user searches Google for something.

A search engine is basically a program that organizes and stores web pages according to certain criteria in order to provide users with fast access to the information they need. Let’s look at a few:

A Web crawler or spider is an Internet bot that searches the World Wide Web for’signals’. It uses link to link to search for new pages, images, and files, and also tracks all links between sites. It is recommended that you immediately link to an older page that has been indexed when creating a new page. This would act as an invitation for bots to index the new page. This context makes Off Page SEO (the backlink network) even more important. Specialists also have other tools that can accelerate this process. For example, they may issue clearer invitations to robots.
Search engine indexing can be compared to a large catalog. The crawlers discover and scan content and store it (“cached”) on servers. This allows the user to rank the search results more logically and according to his searches.

Finally, if you are searching for something, the search software will scan through billions of pages to find the right information.

Why should you care?

You might be a casual user, or a student searching Google for various topics. Understanding the purpose of search engines and how they work can help you improve your search skills. Search engines are designed to help you find what you’re looking for. The most reliable and relevant information. Google will be more useful to you if it provides the answers and solutions you are looking for. A search engine will only index pages and sites that it finds useful.

It is vital to understand the above in order to create web pages that are search engine friendly.

People still use search engines to find information. 98% of those surveyed in the annual digital survey by Hootsuite or We Are Social said they use a search engine at least once a month (in Romania, 99.6%). Seven out of 10 participants in the study said that they use more than just traditional search engines. They also use social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and voice search tools. The percentages are also applicable to e-commerce. For instance, 87.7% Romanians search online for products ,services or

It doesn’t matter what type of business you run, it is vital to be visible online. When we say “visible”, it is a reference to the “diamond mine” mentioned at the beginning of this article. It is important to be in the top positions on Google.

What Is a Content Management System (CMS)?

Content is king in today’s online world. But managing it can be a challenge. That’s where content management systems (CMSs) come in. A CMS is a platform that allows you to create, manage, and publish your content quickly and easily. Whether it’s a blog post, website page, or an online store, a CMS is the key to getting your content out there effectively and efficiently. In this article, we’ll discuss what exactly a CMS is and how it can help you better manage your content.

What is a content management system?

A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of tools that enables you to create, edit, publish, and manage content. A CMS may serve as a central repository for all of your organization’s content or it may be used to manage the content of a single website.

Most CMSs provide a web-based interface that allows you to login to a central control panel from anywhere in the world and use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor to create and update content. This type of editor enables you to add text, images, links, and other elements to your pages without having to know any HTML code.

In addition to making it easy for non-technical users to create and update content, a CMS can also help you keep your site organized and improve your search engine optimization (SEO). For example, most CMSs allow you to assign keywords (also known as tags) to your pages and blog posts. These keywords make it easier for people who are searching the web to find your site.

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OnlyFans is the best platform to promote your model!

Learn more about the advantages of being exposed on this platform.

The general perception is that adult entertainment is easy. However, reality is quite different. Online modeling is just like any other job. You have to do your best to achieve the results you desire. Understanding the industry is key to success.

It is important to promote OnlyFans, in addition to performing live shows, seduction, and communication skills. You need to be well-known and visible in order to perform in this industry. Reaching the public in as many ways possible is crucial for success as an online model. These platforms can be the key to your success. These are just a few of the many benefits to creating content for OnlyFans!

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What is Lazy Loading and how can it increase the loading speed in the store?

Lazy loading is a great practice to speed up page loading and improve the user experience of websites, especially for online shops. Its activation is crucial in the context Google Core Web Vitals metrics implementation, which aims to increase the visitor experience on website pages.

What is the Lazy Loading function?

The Lazy Loading function will allow images to be loaded slowly on listing pages, just as they appear on the page. (The user can only access them when they reach them). Listings with many product images will load much faster and the browser will not download any background images that are not displayed on the page.

If the Lazy Loading function has been inactive, the browser will download all images in the background when the page contains large numbers of products. In this case, both the resources and time that the user spends waiting for the content load are lost.

Instead, the Lazy Loading function will allow the client to view images as he navigates through the site. The display will happen automatically without any intervention from you. Page loading speeds will increase and all elements will be displayed immediately. This greatly improves the user experience, especially for mobile devices (phones and tablets), which load slower than desktops or laptops.