Archives 2023

Seo Image Optimization

We tend to be focused on the importance of content when discussing SEO strategy. However, we often forget about other types of content that can generate significant traffic. Because infographics and images are powerful visual tools, they are especially important in web design.
Google’s universal search often includes images taken from the search result page (SERP). In many cases, they appear at top of the search results list with the first search results. It is not an insignificant problem as it can help to ensure that our website gets found and is visited.

Images are so important

You may not have realized it, but images can drive a lot traffic to your website or online store. You can optimize the photos you add to your page so they appear high up in search results for image-based searches, such as Google Images. This will increase the number of visitors to the article where you have placed these images.

Does that sound good? You just have to know how to optimize images for search engines to increase web traffic. These tricks will make it much easier than you might think.

What happens if images used on my website aren’t mine but come from another source? What happens if you have duplicate images?

We must first be truthful and ensure that images are allowed to be used on our website.

The duplicated images are not a problem within the positioning, unlike web results. Google image search will usually show a different version of an image than others. However, it doesn’t always give priority to the original. It is possible for an image with a better optimization, which is not necessarily the original, to get a better ranking.

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6 Tips to Secure Your WordPress Website

These steps can be taken by even beginners to secure their WordPress websites from cyber attacks. WordPress is used by more than 30% of all websites online and is the most popular content management system (CMS). It is easy to see why. WordPress is a popular blogging platform that offers a lot of customization through plugins and code, as well as top SEO optimizations.

However, this popularity comes with a caveat. WordPress is a popular target for hackers, malware, and cyber attacks. WordPress accounts for approximately 90% of all the CMSs that were exploited in 2019.

No matter if you’re a novice WordPress user or a seasoned developer, there are important steps you can take in order to secure your WordPress website. These 6 tips will make your website more secure.

1. Choose a reliable host

Hosting is essential for all websites. Without it, you can’t publish your website online. Hosting is more than hosting your website. Hosting is responsible for loading time, security, and performance of your site.

First, check to see if the host offers SSL security (SSL certificate).

A website’s SSL certificate is a must-have security feature, no matter how small or large your site may be. You will need an SSL certificate if you accept online payments. However, for most websites, the standard or free SSL certificate is enough.

You should also consider the following security features:

  • External backups as often as possible
  • Antivirus to scan and remove malware
  • Advanced protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), attacks
  • Real-time network monitoring
  • Advanced firewall protection

Apart from these digital security features it is important to consider the physical security measures taken by your hosting provider. They include security guards, CCTV (video surveillance), and biometrics or two-factor authentication.

2. Security plugins

Installing a security plugin like Sucuri is one of the most effective and efficient ways to secure your website. It is open-source licensed under the GPLv2 license. Security plugins are crucial because they automate security. This allows you to focus on optimizing your site’s performance, rather than spending your time fighting online threats.

These plugins can detect and block malicious attacks, and alert you to problems that need more attention. These plugins run in the background and protect your site. This means that you don’t need to be awake to combat hackers, bugs, or other vulnerabilities.

A quality security plugin will give you all the security features that you require for free. However, it may also offer advanced features that can only be purchased as a paid subscription. If you wish to disable the firewall on the Sucuri website, for example, you will need to pay. A web application firewall (WAF), which blocks common threats, adds extra security to your site, is a great feature to consider when selecting a security plugin.

3. Selecting reliable themes and plugins

WordPress is open-source, meaning anyone can contribute themes or plugins to the project. This can make it difficult to choose a high-quality plugin or theme.

You should be careful when selecting a free plugin or theme. Some are poorly designed, or worse, could hide malicious code (malware).

Avoid this by only sourcing free themes/plugins from trusted sources such as WordPress library. To find out if the developer has created any other extensions, read reviews.

Badly designed or expired themes and plugins could lead to vulnerabilities, or “backdoors”, that allow attackers to access your website. You should be more careful about the choices you make. Also, you should be looking at hacked or canceled themes. These premium themes have been compromised by hackers, and are being sold illegally. You might end up purchasing a canceled motif, thinking it is all secure, but your site will be damaged later. The malware code.

Avoid being lured by low prices. Instead, choose well-respected developers with a strong reputation. You should avoid searching for them elsewhere. Instead, make sure to stick with reliable and established stores like Themify. This theme and plugin store has been in operation since 2010. Themify makes sure that all WordPress themes it sells pass the Google Mobile Friendly test. All WordPress themes are open-source under the General Public License (GNU).

4. Update plugins and themes regularly

This is a basic rule for WordPress. It means that the site must be kept current. It is not a rule everyone can follow. In fact, only 43% WordPress sites have the most recent version.

Your website can become vulnerable to bugs, vulnerabilities and illegal access if it is not up-to-date with security and performance procedures. These websites can’t fix bugs as updated sites can. Attackers can easily find out-of date sites. They can therefore search for vulnerable sites and attack accordingly.

You should ensure that your website is always running the most recent version of WordPress. To ensure security, it is important to update plugins and themes whenever they become available.

An open-source plugin manager can be installed, such as Easy Updates Manager (GPLv2 licensed).

5. Secure logins

You must create a secure WordPress website by carefully selecting the theme and installing security plugs. Also, protect yourself from unauthorized access to your login.

Password protection

Change your password is the easiest and most effective way to increase your login security.

You should instead use a long password because they are more difficult to crack. It is best to use a group of words, letters, numbers, and special characters that aren’t related but make sense to you. They also make it easy to remember.

These are some suggestions:

Never use passwords you have previously created
Avoid using obvious words like the names of your family members or your favorite football player
Never give out your login details to anyone
To add complexity to your password, use capital letters and numbers
Login data should not be stored or written down anywhere.
Use a password manager

Modify the URL for admin login.

It is a good idea to change the login URL from the default format–admin. Because hackers know that this URL is default, you are at risk of brute force attacks.

This can be avoided by changing the URL. For secure, quick and easy customization, use an open-source plugin such as WPS Hide Hide Login licensed under GPLv2 license.

Two-factor authentication is recommended

Two-factor authentication is recommended to provide additional protection against brute force attacks and unauthorized logins. If someone has your login details they will need to send a code to your phone in order to gain admin access to WordPress.

It is easy to add two-factor authentication. You simply need to install another plugin. Next, search the WordPress plugin repository for “two factor authentication” and then choose the plugin that interests you. Two Factor is a well-known plugin that’s licensed under the GPLv2 License and has more than 10,000 active installations.

Limiting connection attempts

WordPress allows you to test your login details multiple times. Hackers can use this feature to insert malicious code and gain unauthorized access to WordPress sites.

You can install a plugin to limit connection attempts and allow you to control how many attempts you can make.

6. Disabling file editing

This is not the right step for beginners.

If you really want to protect your WordPress site, however, it is important to disable file editing. It is possible for anyone to modify the source code of themes or plugins from your admin area. This can be very dangerous if someone tries to gain access.

Access the file wp-config.php and enter:

Order allow, Deny all

Alternativly, you can delete the plugin and theme editing options completely from the WordPress admin area by editing the wpconfig.php file. Add:

define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true );

The edit buttons for themes and plugins will disappear completely from the WordPress admin menu. This prevents anyone from editing the theme or plugin code. If you need to access the theme or plugin code again, delete the source code that you had added to your wpconfig.php file before you disabled editing.

It doesn’t matter if you restrict unauthorized access to files or disable file editing completely, it is important to take steps that protect the source code of your site. Unwanted visitors can easily edit files and add new code. An attacker could then use the editor to collect data on your WordPress site, or launch attacks against others.

You can hide files by using a plugin like Sucuri.


WordPress is an open-source platform that has been well-developed. It can be used by developers as well as beginners. There should be no fear about WordPress becoming the victim to an attack. These threats won’t go away anytime soon so it is important to be informed about the security of your website.

You can increase the security of your WordPress site by using the above measures. This will ensure that you have a more enjoyable experience with the CMS.

You must ensure that your site is secure all the time. This is not a one-time task.

These are the best WordPress themes

You most likely have WordPress installed on your domain name and hosting package. You still have time to review our quick guide to installing WordPress in just a few steps if you haven’t yet.

The big question is: What theme do you use on your website? There are many opinions on which themes to choose from, whether they be paid or free. It is futile to search for the best, because there isn’t one.

How can you pick a theme for your WordPress site?

My criteria for a great theme are:

  • Your site should load quickly upon visitor access.
  • No matter what device you access the website from, graphics and information will be displayed correctly.
  • You can easily modify the template (up to a certain point) to suit your needs.
  • You need to be there for your friends and family online.

These criteria have been established. I’ll now explain why they are so important.

Website loaded quickly

Speed is the new age. Google and visitors will appreciate a website that loads quickly. In other articles, I have already discussed speed.

Not all WordPress themes load fast enough for site loading. Some themes are too slow and have poor optimization. Some themes load unnecessary code, or make unneeded requests.

Do not be deceived by themes that appear great, until you see the functionality. Many themes I’ve seen looked amazing, even frameable, yet were so hard to load that you had to abandon the site.

Poorly optimized themes can also be very demanding for your web hosting service. If you insist on keeping them, you might need to upgrade.

To be mobile responsive and compatible on any device

Mobile phones are more popular than computers for shopping online or accessing the Internet.

It is important to check that the theme works on your mobile phone, regardless of the resolution, tablets or other devices. This also checks for compatibility with all browsers. Many desktop themes are unusable on smartphones. There are no missing buttons, menus or large images.

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SEO optimization techniques to rank first in Google searches

Marketing is all about search engine optimization. Optimizing your web pages, including your blog posts, makes your site more visible to search engines like Google.

Google’s algorithmic updates make it difficult. Relevance and content are today’s most effective SEO strategies. What is the best way to know what matters? What blog classification strategies are available today? And what is considered to be relevant?

Digital content marketers face a lot of confusion. We want to help. This post will discuss how to optimize blog posts for keywords that you are interested in. It also includes some other optimization strategies you should consider.

We have observed over the years that search engines are most concerned with providing users with high-quality, relevant and useful information.

This requires you to be familiar with the basics of your blog.

Quality – Is your blog an authority on your niche?

Usefulness – Is your blog post helpful, simple to read, and well documented?

Relevance – Is your blog post relevant to a particular problem?

We’ll be sharing the best practices that search engines can use to understand these questions and rank your blog posts on the first pages.

Optimize your keywords

Optimizing content for the correct phrase is the first and most important aspect of an SEO strategy. Your keyword phrase should be specific enough to narrow down your search results. A keyword such as “digital marketing”, for example, generates more than seventy eight million results.

It is important to select keywords that aren’t too competitive, and to also pick a keyword phrase with more specificity.

A short tail for words

A short tail keyword is a phrase that contains 1-3 words. These phrases can be used by people who don’t know what they are looking to find. These people usually only require general information. The most popular keywords in Google are short tail keywords.
Long tail words

Long tail keywords are phrases with 3 or more words. These keywords are often used by people who have an idea of what they are searching for. These terms are also searched for by a smaller number of people.

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13 SEO mistakes you should avoid

You can create your blog to get started in the blogging world. You want to write and then wait for your readers or people who are interested in your content to arrive.

This is the problem with this approach. No one will ever read it unless they consider SEO and Social Media.

To make people know you, you need to perform exact and precise actions. You can’t stay there. Avoid these SEO mistakes that could affect the visibility of your blog.

13 SEO mistakes that you should avoid

Even though there are many forums and blogs dedicated to SEO today, it is amazing to see how many SEO mistakes are still made that can undo all of the hard work we have done.

We thought it would be convenient to provide a brief summary of all the factors that can negatively impact our SEO. This is important if you want your website or blog to rank in the top positions on Google.

1. SEO is a misunderstood topic

It is important to first clarify your doubts about search engine optimization. This is because, if you want this tactic to help strengthen your digital marketing strategy then it is crucial to know exactly what it is.

SEO Misconceptions

  • It’s all in the links
  • It ends once you reach the first page.
  • It’s about keyword density (keywords).

SEO concepts that work:

  • Ensure that you have satisfied the users before you finish.
  • It’s all about semantics and meaning behind words.

2. Use of keywords (keywords incorrectly)

Optimizing pages with lots of keywords to help search engines classify them is a good idea. But nowadays, things are different. As I said in the previous point SEO is all about semantics and meaning.

To help search engines understand what pages you are writing, you must describe them using specific keywords that correspond to the content.

These are SEO mistakes to avoid when selecting keywords

2.1 Select keywords without any prior research

Keywords are words that people type into search engines to find information. You need to identify keywords that are most relevant to your industry, potential customers and then choose the best words for your niche. You should also look at the search volume and competition. It will be difficult to rank in search results if you choose keywords with a lot of competition.

2.2 Use very generic keywords (i.e. short tail)

Because they are generic and have more competition, it is best to use long tail keywords. The more specific you can make your keywords, the better.

If someone wants to buy a home, instead of writing “I am purchasing a home”, he might write “I am purchasing a house on two levels at Bucharest” or some other similar phrase.

2.3 Use the keyword in an abusive manner

This is a common practice, and Google may penalize you for it by either labeling your page spam or placing it at the bottom.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Use specific keywords to describe your pages.
  • Use long tail keywords

Write keywords that make sense within context.

  • Bold keywords in your website content. This will allow users to concentrate their attention on the most pertinent words, and will greatly contribute to SEO optimization.

3. Site loads slowly

The search engine needs users to find information quickly and places a lot of importance on websites that load in under 2 seconds.

What are you supposed to do?

3.1 Optimize all images on your blog.

It’s as easy as going to Smush, an online Yahoo tool that will optimize your images within seconds. The best part is that it doesn’t take you long to do it all at once. You can attach the entire image folder to your blog.

3.2 Optimize your blog’s javascript

GTMetrix is the best online tool to accomplish this. This tool can optimize html code, images, and other aspects completely automatically.

4. Add weak content to complete the web page

Google revealed the three most important factors that can help a page rank higher at the start of 2016, and content was one of them.

You will get more backlinks (high quality, high-quality backlinks) if you create well-written, reliable and relevant content for your website.

Similar to the above, more people will discover your content, and you will receive more traffic over time.

This order should be followed:

  • Copying/pasting from another website.
  • To provide inaccurate and/or irrelevant information.
  • It is important not to cite your sources.

Instead, you should:

  • Write original, relevant content.
  • To improve your publications, you can use visual resources.
  • For greater credibility, you can quote data sources and phrases

5. Duplication of content

Duplicate content is one the most common SEO errors and is often penalized by Google. To bring new content, talk about original topics.

It is best to revise an article that you have published if it is very similar. This will allow you to reposition the content as part of an updated and indexed article.

6. Broken links

Google assures us that the 404 errors do not impact our ranking. However, annoying 404 errors every time someone attempts to visit us via a link can cause us to lose traffic and negatively affect user experience. We recommend that you identify and correct any 404 errors on your site.

Google will accept it as legitimate if the page is deleted or never existed. Your positioning will be affected if a page is re-created with an error other that 404 (temporarily unavailable), however. Google robots do not know about the existence of this page and will therefore evaluate it negatively.

7. Optimize the title and meta descriptions.


  • Search engines can index them accurately.
  • Tell people that they are looking for this content.

If possible, make your titles as questions. This is the way users search most often.

The meta description on your pages is crucial for describing your content. The meta description should contain the following:

  • persuasion
  • unique
  • Specific and pertinent

8. All links should use the same anchor word

What is the meaning of anchor? This is the text you use to insert a hyperlink, i.e. This is the text visible in a hyperlink. It provides information to search engines and users about the content that you wish to address.

It is important to not use the same phrases or words for all links in order to optimize your anchor text. Google might consider them spam. You should vary them. It is important to make sure the model you create is as natural for search engines and readers as possible. Use connectors sparingly and choose words with a semantic meaning all by themselves.

Last but not least, make sure to include anchor words on your internal pages. Place them at the top, as this will allow you to benefit from a better placement and improve the user experience.

9. A responsive website that is optimized for mobile devices is not possible

Your site must be mobile-friendly if you want to compete for the top spot. Another major SEO mistake is this.

As I said, the majority of searches are made from mobile devices. This means that any brand shouldn’t ignore a website that serves customers’ needs.

Google is actually working on the AMP project (Accelerated Mobile Pages), where mobile-optimized websites will be highlighted and prioritized starting now.

This error can be corrected to improve the user experience, speed of web page loading, mobile SEO, and competitive advantage.

10. Excessive linking

You must not cross the line between permissible and prohibited. You should not attempt to trick Google by creating artificial links to the site, or using techniques like buying, selling, exchanging, or exchanging links. This includes marketing articles, commenting in forums, and any other program or automated system that attempts to manipulate links to your website.

A good content strategy is essential to build links and make this technique more beneficial to PageRank. This includes creating quality podcasts, articles, videos, and other media. This is content that’s interesting to your audience and aims to link us naturally. Also known as “linkbaiting”.

It takes time to get links that naturally link to your project. It takes time and effort to create useful content, but it is worth it. Google will be more supportive of us, and this will help us position ourselves better.

11. The more labels you have, the better.

Excess is bad as with everything. You can improve your page’s positioning by using the right tags. Let’s say you have a tag called “healthy food”. Google will crawl your page and determine if there is any updated content. It also aids in indexing and improves user experience by allowing visitors to search for related content.

Google will punish you if you have too many tags for the same post.

12. Social networks are not worth your time.

We don’t mean to say that Google will only appreciate your profile on Facebook and Twitter if you use them properly.

To make it clearer, let’s say you have a blog on organic food. You publish original and high-quality content daily that is relevant to the general public. You will have a smaller number of publications if you don’t do any dissemination actions than if your profile is created on Facebook. Users will share your content, visit your blog, and spend time reading it. Your ranking will improve indirectly if your website experience metrics are improved.

13. Google Plus is ignored

Another common SEO mistake that many make is to ignore Google+. Google+ isn’t a social network that is accessible to all audiences. It is also not as popular than Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. However, it is still a very bad decision to ignore Google+ if you want to improve your ranking.

Make sure you create a profile and optimize it. You can also publish your articles on this social platform. This will help you to position yourself better.

Let’s conclude…

This post will highlight some common SEO errors that can be made and how they affect your website’s positioning. SEO isn’t something you can do in a few days. You need to work hard to optimize your website for satisfactory results.

How SEO changes can impact your traffic

Google’s main algorithm will be changing in the coming year. This year, Google will concentrate on SEO optimizations that should be considered. Digital marketing is, in general, a sector that adapts to rapid technological changes. Web positioning is one of most dynamic parts because it relies on large multinational companies like Google, Bing, Yahoo …), that invest their time in innovation. Here are the most recent SEO changes.

It is important to have your web page appear in the top results of search engines. It’s almost as if it doesn’t exist. We don’t want this, do we? It is important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and changes in organic positioning.

These SEO changes are what we need to know and how can they impact our web positioning strategy.

How SEO changes can impact your traffic this year

Google’s search algorithms have evolved a lot since 2000, as you may already know. Many updates have occurred, both large and small, which has had a significant impact on the content of many businesses. This resulted in their ranking at the bottom of search results, which caused a substantial decrease in visibility. This affected every business’s sales strategy, leader, and advertising.

We list the changes that we believe are most important.

Your site may have experienced a decrease in traffic. This is because your competitors are more visible to the search engine and therefore, your website will be in a higher ranking for the keywords.

Google rewards high-quality content. Sites with higher quality content have an advantage over their competition. Pay attention to the next section.

A series of recommendations is required if you want your website to rank higher in Google’s SERPs.

1. Mobile First Index

Since July 2018, mobile web speed has been a ranking criterion. Google had already made this known in January. The mobile bots will crawl the page first, and then index it.

It was impossible to perform any other function on a mobile phone than sending or calling a text message. With the advancement and power of these phones, mobile phones can perform the same functions as the computer. Users are increasingly able to use their phones to browse, purchase or perform any transaction. Google’s Mobile First Index was created to take into consideration mobile versions of web pages. SEO strategies should be modified and optimized pages by companies. When creating content and design, it is important to consider user experience, conversion, and loading speed. This is crucial for search engine positioning.

Mobile design, user experience, and page loading speed are all essential for good rankings in the SERPs.

What should you do?
Google’s mobile device tester will help you determine if your website is compatible for mobile browsing.

Your mobile website must perform as well, if not better than your desktop site. Your website should be accessible from all devices, so that it is functional.

2. Google’s algorithm still regards content as the king

Google still considers content to be one of the most important factors in achieving a high ranking position. No longer are you required to use as many keywords and phrases as possible to rank high in search engines.

Quality is now more important than quantity. It is therefore important to create quality content and listen to your target audience to understand their concerns and needs.

However, it doesn’t stop there. It is important to practice SEO ON PAGE as well as SEO OFF PAGE to increase our website’s visibility. Linkbuilding is a method that can help us achieve this goal if we know how to use it correctly and intelligently.

We must also remember that every Google algorithm is becoming more demanding in terms of precision and quality. We must do our best to differentiate ourselves from the rest.

3. Link Building

Because of the importance of quality digital links, linkbuilding is a part of the most recent SEO changes. To create high-quality links, link building strategies must be 100% effective. It is much more important to establish links that are trustworthy than to search for new links everywhere.

Marketers are familiar with this concept, but it is a fact that link building can be one of the most effective SEO strategies if done correctly. It is becoming a more important part of SEO trends.

Traffic should be your reference. Backlinks are not only from popular websites, but also look for ways to improve your brand positioning. This will improve your organic positioning.

It is important to invest in long-term planning for the construction of links that will be used on your digital platforms. It can be difficult to find contacts and link of interest.

You should carefully consider guest blogging. Google warned in May last year that it would be looking more closely at links created by customer blogs. Google claims that link building addiction is too dependent on customer blogging.

This highlights the importance of a more diverse link building strategy. This strategy aims to build unique backlinks and provide success.

4. Google’s best friends are the social networks

Today, social networks are extremely important. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have made it easier for companies to use their online marketing strategies in a more direct and efficient way.

It is important to note that RRSS allows for a closer connection to the target audience. For an example, Facebook and Instagram already have over 1900 million and 700 million respectively registered users in 2017, numbers that will only increase in the future.

This is a great opportunity to tap into a new market. This is without mentioning that advertising campaigns allow you to reach a more targeted audience by allowing you to select between various parameters such as gender, location or taste.

5. Security and positioning go hand-in-hand

Online commerce has seen a 20% increase in sales this year. This means that companies are offering completely secure payment gateways so that customers can purchase any product or service they want without having to use a computer or divulge their identity.

Leaving credit card information online was frowned upon a few years back. Google now wants to reward all websites that use HTTPS protocols. It also wants to verify that the browsing experience is secure at all times. This will provide evidence to the user that he has accessed the portal without any private information (such address, surname, or bank accounts) being shared or with their consent.

Google wants all search engine websites to be as safe as possible. Google will remove pages that don’t contain this protocol from search engines. This is due to algorithm updates. Preventing is better than fighting.

6. User experience (UX).

It is clear that the most important SEO trend is to consider the user experience. Google has made it clear that users are the most important part of a network. This is why digital contexts have changed dramatically in recent years.

Websites must provide excellent user experiences. Good user experiences increase the likelihood that visitors will interact with sites. This allows users to find the most relevant pages.

To determine if your website’s UX is satisfactory, review it. To determine your site’s loading speed, improve your readability, and analyze the web architecture, you should conduct a study. You will need to make the necessary adjustments in order to optimize your website as much as possible.

Mobile devices are a great place to start. You will offer a better user experience if you have more platforms. UX should be as personal as possible. Only then can you attract qualified visitors to your site. In short, a loyal audience.

Consider the loading speed if you plan to focus your efforts on mobile strategy. To provide a great user experience and position yourself on the first pages in the search engine, loading speed is essential.

7. Searches made in “question” mode

Questions and answers have become a popular SEO trend. You should make sure your content answers specific questions. This will help search engines find the right content and publish it in response mode.

This practice aims to answer quick questions with content. If you ask about digital marketing, for example, you will get a fragment highlighted and then the information or answers to your question.

This type of questions and answers has the advantage of being more appealing than traditional content presentations. This strategy must answer the following five questions in order to be effective: “what? when? why? who or where?” The search engine will thus organize the information more efficiently.

Brands must adapt to this type information search until this year and focus their content on these results. This strategy is very valuable in terms of optimizing content marketing.

8. Voice search and digital assistants

Google claims that voice searches account for one fifth of all search queries. Voice searches are a fundamental change in how we communicate and can imply a shift in our approach to information processing.

These changes are happening because of digital assistants. Search engines are no longer the same. SEO trends change with the market.

You should focus your SEO efforts on long-tail keywords when developing new SEO strategies. Voice searches are another reason. It is important to consider the differences between spoken and written language. Oral language, or speech, is natural and more natural than written. This conversation tone must be consistent with the SEO strategy.

Voice search will become more popular as digital assistants improve in accuracy. This is more common for mobile devices. Why? Because these gadgets provide quick answers to users.

User needs are also important in this SEO trend. Higher levels of satisfaction will be achieved if the results are more precise and more tailored to their needs. Analyze customers and potential customers. This will allow the algorithms to give a more precise and relevant answer.

This development of digital assistants, which will be available on all platforms and mobile devices, opens up new opportunities for SEO strategies that every brand should use.

9. Highlighted texts are more important

“Notes and highlighted text fragments” are displayed above the regular SERP results (referred to as position #0). If you are able to achieve them, you will see a significant increase in click through rate and website traffic.

Highlights can be taken from text fragments in many ways, including reviews or lists to answer questions and event dates.

Google will continue to highlight highlighted fragments in the coming year and give structured data more importance. Structured data can be added to any website’s HTML code. It can also provide search results snippets, which are often known as search results. Structured data can be used to create a visually appealing image of your company or an answer box for customers.

What should you do?

This is how to add the structured data from the highlighted snippets into your HTML code.

  • Modify the code for the text fragment
  • In the Google Tag Manager, create a tag
  • Save the tag by inserting the code into the “Custom HTML” text box.
  • You can create a new reason, content, or interest
  • Add the “View page function” to your “Scheme marking” section as a post activator.
  • The structured data tool can be tested

What is the future of SEO in 2023 ?

Google will continue to reward quality content in 2023 with a special relevance and multimedia focus. With the growing use of video, which is what consumers are currently looking for, Google will also continue to reward high-quality content.

A second trend will grow is the usability of mobile devices. Your website must be ready to provide a great experience for users on these devices. This is the main goal that Google constantly pursues with its algorithm changes: user experience.

Users scream “multimedia content, quality connectivity”; this is the formula to establish a connection with users. Google will then grant you the highest ranking positions for each search query.

These are just a few of the assumptions you need to consider when using the new Google algorithm for 2018. We encourage you to implement them as soon possible. You will be able to see the first results after a reasonable amount of time.

Ten tips to create a contact page that is effective

Contact page – From neglect to efficiency

Contact pages can be extraordinary and powerful, but not boring or standard. There are 10 suggestions.

The contact page, which is often overlooked, is the first page that users search when they interact with a website. Your visitors will become customers by visiting your contact page. It is still an under-exploited and misunderstood resource. It is therefore not being utilized to its full potential.

Some companies don’t have a contact page. Others hidden it in the footer, making it difficult to find, invisible, and useless.

Business cards for your business

The contact page for a business website that is online is what the customer will find at the front desk or in the waiting area. It should be easy to find, have clear and useful information, and have a friendly design.

Before we get into how to create an effective contact webpage, let’s first define what a contactpage isn’t. It’s not an “about” page, an FAQ page, or a job page. Contact pages allow users to contact you.

Simplicity does not have to mean lack of creativity, neglect, or absence of information. The page should encourage the user to contact you. Contact details are a sign of transparency and build trust with potential customers.

Ten tips to create a contact page that is effective

What should the contact page look like? What should the contact page look like? To ensure a high conversion rate, what should you remember when creating this page? Here are 10 suggestions from us.

  1. Mention the full company name. Companies whose names are visible and easily verified make people feel more secure. You are more well-known for the brand you have created than the name of your company.
  2. Display your physical address. It can be difficult if your business is located in more than one city. In such situations, a custom map may be the best solution. You shouldn’t be afraid of expressing your creativity. You don’t have to have a complicated map or an address. A designer can help you create something unique.
  3. Google Maps is your friend. You can embed the Google Maps location of your business on your contact pages. Google Maps makes it easy for people to use in their daily commutes. You must also (must!) Then, (must!)
  4. Include… contact information – at minimum a phone number, and an email address. Add more options if you have specific departments.
  5. Include a contact form. Many times we see only a contact form on the contact pages. We don’t deny that the contact page is important. However, it’s only a way for people to get in touch. It should be discussed in more detail in another article. A contact form that is effective has sufficient fields but not too many. As complexity increases, its effectiveness decreases. This is what we recommend: First name, last name, city, phone, E-mail and message.
  6. Create a list of useful links. A simple solution to a lot of customers who are often contacted for the same reasons is to add a list of useful links to your contact page. These links will take you to pages that provide detailed answers to their most common questions.
  7. Make sure the contact page is accessible from every page of your site. Users tend to search for the contact page at the upper right corner. Talk to web designers and site managers to ensure that the link to the page (or the dedicated button) is visible on all pages.
  8. Set expectations. It is important to mention how long it takes visitors for you to respond, especially if you aren’t able to do so immediately. A friendly and brief message can be displayed stating that you usually respond within the next 24 hours or so many days.
  9. Alternatives? Add the contact information for WhatsApp, Discord, and other apps that you are available to your customers. Direct communication via social media is preferred by certain customers. Your accounts can be customized with icons and links.
  10. Describe your working hours and when you can be reached if they do not match. For example, most businesses do not open Saturday evenings. Even those businesses that do open on Saturday evenings may not have staff available at the beginning of the morning. Customers should know that there is a work schedule. It is best to make it visible so visitors can see it from the beginning.

Finally, test. Invite your friends and loyal customers to visit your website and to try to get in touch with you. Find out how easy or difficult they found it, what they would change, how fast they found the information they need, and what they think is missing.

Test your contact page’s form regularly. Is it getting confirmation that the message has been sent? Are you receiving the message immediately? These details are often overlooked and can make a huge difference over the long-term or at the end the month.

SEO optimization: How to be in the first search results

SEO is a term that most website and blog owners are familiar with. It is the process of integrating Google’s algorithms to get your website on the first page of Google’s largest search engine.

If you want your website to be found at the top of Google search pages (and it should), then you will be constantly looking for ways to improve your visibility in search engines. This is essential to ensure that your website can be found by people searching relevant keywords. Your website will be lost in the vast internet world and your customers online won’t have the chance to find you.

Businesses are spending hundreds to thousands on SEO and digital marketing strategies. There are simple steps you can take to make your site more visible online. These advanced SEO tips will help you optimize your website to appear in the top Google results.

SEO Optimization – How to be found in the first Google Results

Many companies want to rank in the top Google positions.

Here’s a quick guide to the steps that you need to take in order for your company or sector to be a reference. You can succeed if you have patience, technical knowledge and time.

1. Quality content

This is what it means. It’s very simple. Google perceives reality in a way that is closer to what a person would do. Google can identify web pages with unique, original, coherent, rich content and rank them high up in search results.

Don’t forget to mention that content must be relevant. How can you achieve this?

1.1 The secret to a successful positioning strategy: Searching for and selecting keywords

First, you need to identify the keywords that you wish to be positioned for. Some keywords are more competitive than others so it is important to pick the right keywords., SEMRush and the SEOMoz search engine are the best tools for determining your keywords. You will find the keywords for each keyword in the two tools I have mentioned. These tools can be paid but are extremely effective in determining an SEO strategy.

Any web positioning strategy must start with keyword research and search for keywords. This stage will be the foundation of your entire strategy. A bad choice here can compromise all actions and prevent you from reaching your full potential.

We are interested in keywords with the highest volume of searches and the lowest level competence. We will use the following sources to search for keywords:

  • Data supplied by internal search engines
  • SEMrush allows you to investigate the competition.
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Suggest

1.2 How can you select keywords for your website’s site?

We must emphasize that you don’t need to use specific keywords to get your site listed in Google searches. You can also focus on the position of the main page if you wish to have it appear on the first search results. For example, you can position your site for 2-10 keywords and position them on the main page as well as on other pages within the category.

It is best to select keywords that are popular enough, but not too many.

More searches will lead to more competition and more difficult results. A search level between 2000 and 5000 per month is a better choice. It is important to consider the location of these searches. SemRush allows us to see search results for Romania and other countries separately. We should concentrate on finding people who can purchase our product.

1.3 How do you optimize your web page for these keywords?

You need to adjust your internal SEO to be able to rank for specific keywords.

Because it will affect the page’s positioning, the keyword must be included in the meta tag (meta-title/meta-description, URL). The website must contain the keyword in its texts and subtitles. To be more competitive in similar searches, we should also include related keywords.

Off-page SEO is another area you need to focus on to position your site. This is about building links to quality pages that point back to your website from an article. These links will increase your website’s authority and help Google position your website at the top.

1.4 How to increase the site’s CTR or click-through rate

The title tag, as I mentioned in the previous section is what appears in search results. Titles that are not longer than the maximum length and attractive to users will increase our CTR (the percentage who click on the link after viewing it).

The meta description also has an impact on the CTR. The meta description, just like the title, should not exceed 160 characters and should be visually appealing. You can use too many characters to your advantage and add a call-to-action to encourage users to click on your result.

2. SEO Optimization on-Page: Add your keywords to your page.

Once the keywords have been chosen, it is time to optimize the web positioning for our page. These aspects will be developed in the future, but it is easier to keep them all together.

Optimize the title tag. This is the first attribute that search engine indexers look for when they visit a site. Google will not display any extra characters in search results if the title is too long.

Meta description is equally important. It allows us provide more information to search engines, and users who come across us via search engines. It cannot exceed 160 characters. We should use this length to give more information to the user.

Search engine friendly URLs are required. The URLs should be search engine friendly.

Search crawlers can use the header tags (h1,h2, and h3 …),) to rank content. It is easy to put in the keywords you want to position in these header tags.

Optimizing all content is important, not just text. Videos, images, infographics and other media are all critical to the page’s global positioning. Keywords must be included in the titles and descriptions of images.

It is easy to use the semantic mark. Schema is a set of HTML tags we can use to mark our content and provide search engines with information we might not otherwise be able.

To help search engines index your content, submit a sitemap. A sitemap can be submitted with images and videos.

3. Title

Every page has a title that is the equivalent of its name on your website. If you are selling accounting software to new companies, you might want to include the keyword “accounting companies” on your page. It can be used in the page title. In the content, you will present the solution, answer potential clients’ questions, show images, and offer demos to make your page more interesting.

4. Meta description

Meta description is crucial for optimizing online sites. Search engines use this information to display the results of a search. The meta description should include your keyword. This is where you will give a brief overview of the topic that you are addressing on your website page.

5. Unique content

Copy information from other websites only if it is relevant. Copying is a crime that can be punished because algorithms identify duplicate content. No matter if the page is about the product, institution, or blog, do not forget to include the keyword in your content.

Let’s say that a blog on the “accounting for new companies” has well-accessed, classified content. However, the legislation has changed and it is now outdated. Site optimization can be used to make this content more accessible.

6. Links

If you have a blog or website that has been online for some time and have published lots of content in the meantime, it is a good idea to link to older posts to optimize your pages. They have an affinity to older content.

Let’s suppose you just wrote an article on tax collection, fiscal year and new labor laws. These contents can be cited in the oldest posts to improve both pages’ positioning.

Search engines love links. They are drawn to more information, and the more you can provide the user with details, the greater the chance of them being satisfied.

7. Image optimization

When it comes to blogs and websites, images play an important role. Images are a crucial part of SEO optimization. Imagine that you have an online shop and your products are photographed from various angles. Highlighting details can be highlighted, for example. If the photos aren’t properly named using the keyword that describes the products, none of these options will work. It is important to examine the image attributes when optimizing websites.

We optimize text only, and neglect the rest of content. But, we can position our SEO for images. We will therefore respect the following guidelines:

  • Include keywords in the file name of your image.
  • Include keywords in the title
  • Search engines cannot see images as we can. Search engines can’t see images like we do. The “alt” tag contains valuable information.

Page loading speed is determined by the size of the image. You must ensure that you choose the right images without sacrificing their quality.

The format of images can also influence search engines. Search engines prefer.png and.jpg formats to the other formats.

It also sends search engines an image from the sitemap, which is what we had expected, to aid in indexing.

8. SEO positioning is becoming more important for video formats

In recent years, Google has placed greater importance on this content format. You can see that Google already displays video results in its top searches. Therefore, we must incorporate optimization of this content into SEO strategies. The following criteria will guide us:

First, the video should be appealing and have value. If the video is not interesting to anyone, it won’t be possible to use the criteria we will see below. It will also not be shared or voted on and will be lost the positioning.

The techniques for positioning video are very similar to those used for text positioning. It must include keywords and be appealing. The maximum length of the title should not exceed 60 characters. We will position it on YouTube as well as Google.

Video positioning is also dependent on the description. Make sure you optimize it. These lines will appear in search results. Make sure they are more descriptive and attractive.

Always label the video, thinking about the user’s search.

Social media is crucial for positioning videos. To allow people to comment, vote, and share the video, you can configure privacy.

You can embed the video on any platform you own, as long as they all follow the same theme.

Finally, submit a Google sitemap for indexing all videos on your website.

9. Mobile-friendly websites are essential

2015. 2015 saw a smartphone penetration rate 81%. 78% of internet users reported using smartphones to surf the Internet every day.

Additionally, these devices bring in double the web traffic each year.

As you can see, adapting your website for mobile devices is not an option but a requirement. Mobile monitors have their limitations (small screens, poor keyboards, low power, etc. ).

Slow-loading pages can cause users to be impatient, which will decrease the time they spend on your site. This will impact your SEO position long-term.

10. Optimize your page’s loading speed

SEO positioning is all about loading speed. An e-commerce website will lose hundreds of customers for each extra second it takes to load its products.

It is therefore important to optimize all factors that affect loading speed. Images have a significant influence on loading speed, but they are not the only factor.

Google Speed and Gtmetrix can diagnose the page and suggest improvements to be made.

Analysing is key to improving our internet positioning strategy

Every action taken in digital marketing should have a specific goal. Once we have established our SEO positioning strategy, it is time to analyze the results and make improvements.

SEO professionals have access to a variety of tools, both free and paid.

Google tools for webmasters analyse the errors on your website and track any problems Google encountered when indexing your content.

Google Analytics is Google’s primary analysis tool. It provides valuable information such as the average time spent on visits, rejection rates, and the type of device that we receive traffic. It also provides information on the terms under which we get traffic.

Rank Tracker, Rank Tracker and Rank Checker provide information about where we are for each keyword. This information is getting less accurate as search results are dependent on where we live, what our search history is, and recently on who we have in our Google Plus circles.

Why did Google penalize me? What are the top SEO mistakes?

You have noticed a drop in your search engine ranking and suspect that Google has penalized or removed you from the results. What did you do wrong? You believe you have been following the correct SEO techniques, but you are now confused about this particular event.

Google has a uncompromising mission. Google wants users to have access to the most accurate and unique information possible.

Every website owner hates it. One day, your website’s Google ranking drops dramatically. It can be demoralizing to lose a few positions on Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs) after all the work you have put in. It means people are having a harder time finding your site, which can lead to them not buying your products or reading your content. What should you do?

There are many reasons you might have been penalized. But these are the most likely.

Why did Google penalize me? What are the top SEO mistakes?

A Google penalty is a sanction against a website whose content violates Google’s marketing practices. This penalty may be a result either of an update to Google’s ranking algorithm, or a manual review that indicates that a website has used “blackhat” SEO tactics.

Google made changes to its ranking algorithm in December 2000. The toolbar extension was launched at that time. The toolbar update was a major change in the SEO industry that helped to create the modern SEO industry. It was actually the first time PageRank was published in meaningful and usable form.

Over the next ten years, Google improved the quality of its search results. It gradually eliminates poor content and raises quality pages to the top search engines. Here’s where the sanction comes in.

Search engines are our main source of traffic. We need to keep up with the latest algorithm updates and make any necessary changes to avoid being penalized by Google. It is a good practice to stay current with the latest updates. You will also have a competitive advantage if your content can be optimized faster than other websites.

How to spot a Google penalty

First, you need to determine if there have been any changes in Google’s ranking. It is hard to pinpoint the reason your site lost its Google ranking. There are many factors that can affect a site’s top position. It is impossible to fix it if you don’t know why. Take a deep breath and approach the situation calmly and rationally. Then, narrow down your options.

Not all of the problems and suggestions described here can be solved by themselves. We will give you simple solutions to your problems.

Google has made a lot of updates over the years that have had a positive or negative impact on websites. If the site is not getting as much traffic, it may be downgrading in popularity. However, if the site does not rank well in search engines, it could indicate that an algorithm has been applied to your site. Google also has manual and algorithmic penalties that can be used to block sites from manipulating the rankings.

You don’t need to be worried. You can check if your site was penalized by following these steps.
These are our top tips for identifying a Google penalty.

Check your Google Webmaster Tools account to see if there are any warning messages or penalties. It’s a good idea if you haven’t checked Google Webmaster Tools or Bing Webmaster Tools yet.

The second step is to analyze your organic search traffic using web analytics software. You can compare your traffic reports and your organic reports to identify instances where traffic or organic traffic has decreased.

Next, consider any recent changes made to your site and determine the type of penalty. You can access your internal or external domains through your web analytics platform to determine if you have been negatively or positively affected by Google penalties in the past.

Why did Google penalize me? What are the most common errors?

Google is constantly changing and revising the way it indexes content.

Although it occasionally posts hints about algorithm updates, the reasons behind these changes are not always clear. It can be hard to fix things.

Google can take two types of actions against websites: algorithmic filters and manual actions (penalties). They both have the same effect on your site’s visibility in search results, and can reduce traffic to it. However, they work in different ways.

Here’s what you need to know about the most common reasons Google causes problems with your website. Although we don’t know all the reasons behind a penalty, it is something we know.

1. Manual penalties

Google may manually penalize your website if it is found to be in violation of its terms. It could be for several reasons:

  • Links purchased.

Purchased links can be seen as an attempt at manipulating PageRank. This is where the controversy lies. Your actions may have serious consequences if you buy low quality links, and lots of them.

  • Excessive reciprocal connections.

Link exchange was an innocent marketing strategy until it became misused. Google could view link exchanges with clients as a manipulation attempt.

  • Duplicate content

This is what we hope you see: duplicate content can make your site less useful to Google and could result in a penalty. Be sure to write unique content.

  • Use H1 tags.

A good SEO strategy is built on the correct structure of the content. Google can understand the content of a page by using H1 tags. The excessive use of H1 tags could be seen as an effort to boost the Google listing by using keywords.

  • 404 error.

Google wants to see how you present your content. A 404 error on your site is a sign that users aren’t getting the information they need.

  • High keyword density is a good idea.

There are many rules regarding keyword density in content. These rules are not proven and high keyword density can indicate poor content. Google can penalize you if it detects a high number of keywords on a page.

  • Sitemap data is not available.

Google uses the XML websitemap to analyse the structure of your site, and determine how it is constructed. After ensuring that your XML sitemap has been updated, submit it to Google Webmaster Tools.

Hidden content. Hidden content is a less ethical method of optimizing a page. This includes hiding text to manipulate keyword weighting or theme. This is an offense.

  • Poor site loading speed

A slow website is the worst thing for patience. Nobody has the time or patience to wait for a website’s page to open. This would move your users to faster websites. Google will penalize you for this.

Your website is not mobile-friendly

Research has shown that Google search users prefer to use their mobile phones for searching rather than using computers. Google is known for its mobile-friendly experience and penalizes websites that aren’t.

Meta keywords are too often used.

Meta keywords are simple to manipulate, and have been a topic of discussion among SEOs. You should not use more than five meta keywords on one page.

  • Spam Comments

A comment section is a great feature for your website. This is a great way to let users communicate with you. It is worth checking because spam comments could still be sent through, even though the spam detection system detects them.

This domain has a poor reputation

When buying a domain, be careful. You are more likely to be penalized if you select a domain name with a poor reputation or that has been subject to a penalty.

  • Footer Links

Many people are fond of placing many links in the footer to ensure that their website is easily crawled. Although this was a good practice for webmasters in the past, it has been largely eliminated by the Google algorithm update. This special method of increasing traffic can lead to a decrease in ranking and even a penalty.

While having both inbound and external links can be helpful for your site, trying to “work” the system by buying, hiding, or placing duplicates links throughout your content is not a good idea. Outbound links can only be useful if they’re relevant (such as to active social media pages) or authoritative.

Google determines websites that are authoritative. It will be considered authoritative if it concerns an article published by a university. It won’t be considered authoritative if it is an outbound link to someone you know. Google’s crawlers will influence your site.

Outbound links are used if your site links to articles or to a separate hosted CRM platform. If a link is made from another website to your page, it is considered an inbound hyperlink.

Your outbound and inbound links must be relevant and of high quality. Any link should be related to the products or services you offer, as well as any direct link to your company. Google should also give these sites high quality scores. High quality sites provide valuable content, are regularly updated, and have high authority scores.

  • Google algorithm updates

Google’s search algorithm changes constantly to keep up with Web publishing and search trends. Mobilegeddon, Pigeon and Pirate are some of the most recent updates.

You’ll notice that nearly all major algorithm updates by Google are focused on improving user experience. All these updates are a Google effort to provide high-quality search results. Google strives to provide excellent customer service. The best way to ensure your website is visible in Google search engines for a long time is to create a quality website and high-quality content.

2. Algorithmic filters

Google may not have the time or resources to manually check each site and determine if they are following the rules. However, they can do it automatically. Google uses large amounts of data to automatically filter websites that meet certain criteria so they can be ranked at the top. This is called an algorithmic filter.

Usually, an algorithm filter refers to Google’s Panda or Penguin algorithm updates.

Panda: Panda was designed to filter websites with low quality or insufficient content. Panda was born from the removal of useless articles that were being ranked for keywords by article directories such as HubPages or eHow.

Penguin: This update was made to remove suspicious links. Penguin is a tool that checks all links to your site. It automates the process of penalizing sites using suspicious links.

Each type of action has the same result: less traffic to your website.

How to fix a Google penal

If you’ve been penalized, you should identify any sites that link to you that don’t seem to be relevant or of low quality. Next, examine the content of your website and all internal links. You should check your website for grammar errors, typos and duplicate content. After you have fixed any errors, you are able to focus on updating your site content. Google will not penalize your site if you create outstanding content and attract other trusted sites.

Google penalties can be difficult to recover because they cause a bad reputation for the website. It is crucial that the owner of the website avoids making mistakes that could lead to penalties. It doesn’t matter how a web page was acquired. However, it is crucial that SEO practices used to increase traffic to the site are legitimate and organic. It is important to be aware of Google sanctions in order to avoid them.

You may need to consult a professional if you have tried everything and still cannot figure out the reason your site is not ranking well in Google.

Your website will be inspected for technical issues that could prevent it from ranking high in an SEO audit. An SEO professional will examine your website for technical issues and make recommendations to fix them.